

While preparing for the Salesforce DEV 401 certification i referred many sites and I understand the pain which we all go through looking for the "Perfect Preparation Material" to successfully pass the certification . To help others I have compiled all the possible Preparation Material , Mock Tests and Tips available over the net,published by various successful SalesForce Certified  and experienced professional . 

Below is a step by step process on how i prepared for the test.I am 100% sure ,following these steps  ,when you click the 'Submit' button at the end of the test,you will get the 'Pass' Result.

Step 1: Decide upon a date for giving the test .For a working professional,devoting 2-3 hours a day,20-30 days worth of preparation is decent.

Step 2 : Read through and do all the exercises in Fundamentals  .

Step 3 :Give small mock tests to check where you stand as far as the test is concerned.Good place to start are these Quiz Style Questions .There are Consolidated Mock Test Links available in my other post under 'Mock Tests' .  Don't be boggled if you get bad score on these tests.You will get better at it.The idea of giving Mock Tests immediately after doing Step 2 is to align your preparation with the Real Certification .

Step 4: ( Optionally )Go through the Official Help and Training link ,specially for the Developer Certification .

Step 5 : Now,start giving Mock Tests,full steam.All the mock Tests are available at   Consolidated Mock Tests . Make sure to truly understand why the particular answer is correct and why rest of the options are wrong .

Step 6 : Go through Notes along with your own notes from the Mock Tests.

Prepare well and best of luck for your certification.

Gaurav Bhatnagar

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